Mountain climbers must look really weird from the air.

Captain Quail 10 - Rock Climbing (Aug. 29, 2013)

There are some mountains you climb because you need to. There are some mountains you climb because they are in your way. There are some mountains you climb just because they're there. And then there's indoor rock climbing.

I have nothing against indoor rock climbing, per se, but I'm about as good at is Captain Gabriel Quail, and I see the point of it about as much as Skuak. Which isn't to say that I'm not trying to be a fit person. As a household, we're trying to get more fit all the time, although Allison is leading the pack there. I have recently rediscovered the joy of bicycles, and have not yet started riding only fixies and wearing vnecks with scarves despite living in the Bay Area, so that's a plus. If you have no idea on Earth what I'm talking about, congratulations! If I have offended you in some way, oops.

I have trouble riding a bike now without thinking of the Steve Jobs quote. You should watch the video (its short) for the background, but the relevant soundbite is:

"A computer is a bicycle for the mind."

Computers aren't magic, they aren't alien technology. They are a very advanced tool, that lets us create other tools almost as fast as we can think of them. And when we've created those tools, we get to be creative in ways we never dreamed.

Interesting news! We will probably be changing the look of the site sometime soon. These visual changes will be the cue to you, the reader, that things of changed, but to us, the creators, it will mean a whole new backend that we're building for this site. Hopefully this new architecture will help us do more creative things quickly, and provide more to our dedicated readers.

Speaking of which, we've received our first piece of fan mail! Thank you so much for the kind words, and keep 'em coming!


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