No one can steeple his feathers quite like Gabriel Quail

Captain Quail 105 - Query Start (Aug. 5, 2014)

I'm currently embarked on a habit-resetting venture in a different locale with a fantastic companion. This is also known as a vacation. And while I'm indulging in a habit to write these words, overall I'm continually amazed by how refreshed I feel by breaking the majority of my habits, at least for this short time period. I know that I need regular infusions of different experiences, viewpoints, locations, and people to keep from getting stale and frustrated and angry. I also know that I don't get these new shake-ups as often as I should. I think that getting exposed to these kinds of regular changes is actually important for everybody else as well. 

Reading over that last paragraph, there's no major revelations. I can't promise that these posts will be the shakeup you, the reader, need to have a more interesting life, but maybe they'll inspire you to do so? 

So let's talk about changes, and things that are different. Starting with the direction of the comic. The Adventures of Captain Quail has been pretty space-based up to this point. The crew would make forays to planets, but with the implicit knowledge they were returning to space after each successful mission. Now they're building a permanent base on Earth, and have a shiny new ship to boot. This ability to have the story continue on two fronts is really interesting to me, opening up all kinds of ideas, and I hope you'll bear with us as we figure out what the crew of the Egg Surprise really stands for. 

Speaking of standing for something, Guardians of the Galaxy was amazingly fun to watch. Its not perfect by any stretch, and has maddening bunch of dualities that make my head spin a bit when I think about them. Written by the first female Marvel screenwriter: Yay! Passes the Bechdel test: Yay! Features non-human characters heavily: Yay! Shows an often callous treatment of women: Boo! Uses derogatory female slurs: Boo! Has a killer 60s/70s soundtrack: Yay-boo! 

Do I think you should go see Guardians of the Galaxy? Yes. Emphatically. Its got pretty good pacing, shows a completely different side of the Marvel universe, and features some killer action sequences. Do I think Marvel could do better? Yes. Emphatically.



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