Oh dear... I think we permanently re-wired Hummdrive with memes.

Captain Quail 114 - Fits (Sept. 9, 2014)

So today, I asked Allison what I should write about, and she responded with "Chickens!" In retrospect, this was not a surprising answer. I have a friend at work who lives in a much trendier part of the area than we do, and he has an actual yard. With chickens. This makes us both pretty jealous, I think. I'm jealous because I would love to be able to grow things, to have a garden and some small animals. The idea of producing for myself more of the food I eat is really appealing, and I'm actively looking forward to the almost-mythical day when I have enough land to do that. 

Allison is jealous partially for those reasons, but mostly just because she loves chickens, I think.

We've had this inkling in the back of our heads for a while that the Pacific Northwest, Seattle or Portland in particular, might be the place where we can have the space we want. I'm sure there are many who will tell us we're naive, and some who will tell us we're absolutely right. Because we believe in making informed decisions (and having as much fun as possible), we're making several excursions to Portland and Seattle in the coming months. Starting this weekend with XOXO. None of us have been to this apparent wonder-fest in the Rose City, but the more we look at it the more excited we are. This will (hopefully) not interrupt our regular comic schedule, but the post may be drastically cut short. If anyone who reads this comic is going to be there, please let us know and we would be thrilled to meet up. First round is on us.

It would be remiss of me not fully immerse you in the chicken culture that we live with at The Adventures of Captain Quail, so here it is your moment of Zen: Chicken Raptor Noises.



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