Angry quail is angry. Serious hawk is serious. Science owl is... science?

Captain Quail 17 - Hostilities (Sept. 24, 2013)

It is really hard to get over your prejudices. No matter how much time you spend thinking about social justice and trying to correct your own preconceived notions, your subconscious can blindside you with some garbage ideas that are just wrong. My experience has been that its the times I think I have a handle on things and am pretty well adjusted that I am closest to being a bigot.

We are raised in bubbles, and the bubble is thickest when we first enter adulthood. By exposing ourselves to new ideas and other people's bubbles, we stretch our own, making the walls thinner and thinner. I'm not sure if the bubble you grew up in ever pops; I'm still growing. I do know that sometimes it seems like I've just traded one bubble for another.

There's been a lot of talk recently about the bubble that is Silicon Valley, although its possible that that talk is only being heard from inside the valley's bubble. Many articles and blog posts have lamented that the companies in the valley are only trying to solve the problems of the valley's elite inhabitants. There is, as far as I can see, some truth to this statement. We don't need the majority of the services that most valley startups are trying to create.

Its easy to fall into the trap of believing that your way is right, especially when most of those around you reflect your opinions. Captain Quail and the crew of the Egg Surprise think they're defending Earth from Raptor aggression, and based on the Raptors' actions they seem to be right. But I hope we get to dive into backstory a bit with some of these cultures, and see that nothing is truly black and white. Its a lesson I need to remind myself of constantly.


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