Even the elephant is confused.

Captain Quail 23 - Reading Comprehension (Oct. 15, 2013)

This past weekend was APE. I tried to think about how I would describe the simply incredible experience that was this year's Alternative Press Expo, but no description could really do it justice. The closest I can come is to relate a small story. 

Saturday afternoon, as I was getting ready to head home for the day, my face felt sore. I tried to figure out why that could be the case, and I realized that I had been smiling the whole damn day. While I like to think I'm quick to humor, its been a while since I've had the experience of breaking out in smiles for no apparent reason. Allison felt the same way. APE is magical, wonderful, fantastic. It shows off all that is best in creative endeavors, and lets you meet people who see the world through their own unique lenses, like you probably do. Last year, I wrote a piece for Darling Dork about APE. Everything I said there still holds true, with the added bonus this year that I got to connect with other creators as a creator.

APE gave us lots of material for our Webcomic O' the Week, and we're very much looking forward to sharing those on Fridays. The compliments we got on Allison's shirt design also lit a fire under my posterior to try and work out mass-printing and distribution so we can get these shirts in people's hands. We're going to do our very best to return to APE next year, as attendees and (hopefully) exhibitors.

Thanks for reading, and see you Friday.


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