I really liked that scene in Jim Butcher's 'Changes'

Captain Quail 94 - Stalactite (June 24, 2014)

Recently, a friend of ours mentioned that the stand-in comic I threw together a couple weeks ago was oddly comforting. He said that while he found the comic amusing (which was surprising to me, since I made it and didn't think very highly of it), seeing that we needed to take a break from our regularly scheduled program was a reassuring reminder that Allison and I are human, and therefore fallible. 

I am incredibly fallible, more so than Allison, I think, who has a nearly superhuman ability to continue creating works of art out of the feeble digital chicken scratches that I send her and call scripts. My character flaws could fill a new Apocrypha. The flaw I'm thinking about right now is sloth, and so this will probably be a short post. Sorry.

Over the weekend, I acquired and tried to use a yerba mate gourd. Some of the guys at work are into it heavily, and I'd heard good things, so I gave it a try. Either I'm impatient (character flaw), unable to follow directions (another one) or the gourd I got was, frankly, rubbish. The thing started leaking almost immediately, and it softened what might have otherwise been a pleasant experience.

I say pleasant, but yerba mate is... weird. It supposedly has less caffeine per cup than coffee, but there's got to be some other herbal essences in there that combine to make some very interesting sensations. After drinking the mate, I felt slightly buzzed, more so than I've ever felt with caffeine, almost to the point of not being able to function. My mind moved too fast. I also had this feeling that was like the headlights of a headache, without ever being hit by the car of pain. I felt distinctly out of body in some moments, like someone else was moving my limbs, and it was probably the closest thing I've been to 'high' off of major medication. 

Obviously, more experimentation is needed, but in a different vessel. 

I said this was going to be a short post, but I appear to have been wrong. Or maybe I was lying (character flaw).



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