Unfortunately, she only dates birds who can double as fans.

Captain Quail 22 - If At First... (Oct. 11, 2013)

The time has, the Walrus said, to talk of many things. Of shoes and ships and sealing wax-- but mostly about Cookie Clicker. If you haven't discovered this phenomenon, wait until you're done reading this post, and then go play. Why should you wait? Because if you go now, you'll probably never finish this post. 

On the outside, Cookie Clicker looks like another Skinner Box online game. Once you dive in, you discover a world of baking madness that you never knew existed. The best creative works out there let you feel like you're taking a peek into the mind of the designers, and the mysterious Orteil has a delightful mind of whimsy and wonder, if Cookie Clicker is any indication. It should be noted that Allison and I hate most online/Facebook games with a passion, but we have both been completely sucked into Cookie Clicker. Start playing after you're done here, and play for a little bit - once you get going you'll see what's so amazing.

Wait, why I am wasting space talking about games? *flips table* This weekend is APE! The Alternative Press Expo is this weekend in San Francisco, and we're going! Not like, with a booth or anything (that'll be later) but we'll be walking the floor and chatting with all the awesome people there. If you see us in our Captain Quail T-Shirts, stop and say hi!

Keeping up with Webcomic of the Week series, this week we think you should check out Unsounded. It is, to quote Allison, "A magical epic about a girl and her attack zombie". Its a series we both enjoy, and we really want to see where Ashely Cope it. If you like interesting magic systems, bio-steampunk, and generally fantastic fantasy, you'll like unsounded.

That wraps up this week. Hope to see you all at APE, and right back here Tuesday for the continuing adventures of Captain Quail!



P.S. You moment of zen: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IU4SDDNXuUA

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