Quail Effect

I think its gonna be a long, long time.

Captain Quail 70 - Rocketman (March 28, 2014)

Let's get some announcements out there, to start us off.

First! We will be at KrakenCon in Oakland on April 6th, in an official capacity this time. We will have a booth, and will be giving a panel on webcomics. We would love to see you there, and we hope you'll stop by the Captain Quail booth (listed under Inkpebble) and say 'Hi!'

Second, our ongoing vlogcast series posted another episode this week. What originally as started as Allison and I chatting about the comic as a soundtrack to the comic being drawn has morphed into a collection of us and our friends, chatting about all the things we find interesting. Since Captain Quail was born out of weird conversations like these, we hope you find them interesting. If you don't, leave us a comment or shoot us an email saying what you'd like us to talk about. We're hoping to increase the release schedule of these videos, and we'd love to have some input from our readers.

That does it for announcements, I think. On to the main event. 

Fridays mean we post a webcomic, and we talk about another webcomic. That is the meaning of Friday, for us. And we try to post things that we think most of our audience hasn't read. That we hope we are sending new eyeballs. There is a wealth of webcomics out there, and in a perfect world we'd have the time to feature a new one every day for your reading pleasure. 

If we seem to be featuring comics that are shorter than usual, that is for two reasons: 1) Comics that are just starting out often need the most love, and 2) Short comics are often what we have time for. So this week, we're featuring another short comic, like Written in the Bones, or Tales from the Crypt. We'd like to tell you about Fifty Years in Space.

The thing about shorter, completed works is that you have the rare opportunity to read them multiple times in a short amount of time, and wring all the meaning you can from them. And Fifty Years in Space is a comic where the creator wants you to notice all the details about characters and locations and atmosphere that you can in such a short amount of time. The story is simple; two friends that haven't seen each other in a while get together and relive some childhood memories. But the actions of the characters, and the little quirks they exhibit hint at such a deeper backstory for each of them that you're left wanting to know more, to see more of their past or their future or just to know how their day together ends. It is so difficult to convey what a character in a comic is thinking without littering the panel with text bubbles, and yet Fifty Years does so, and does so well. Worth a read, and worth a moment to ponder.



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